√ amazon rainforest female green anaconda 182804
11 Green Anaconda The storied green anaconda is one of the largest snakes in the world, reaching over 30 feet in length, 12 inches in diameter, and weighing over 550 pounds Due to its size, it is quite cumbersome on land, but it is stealthy in the waterEnglish name Anaconda Snake Size Can grow up to 9m long Diet Chicken, geese, mammals and any other predators Predators They have no predators Adaptations Squeezing their preys until they die Appearance They can be green, brown or black They has smooth scaly skin and a long curvy body Species Green Anaconda Habitat Southern Mexico and Brazil;Top 10 Dangerous Snakes in The Amazon Rainforest The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest on planet earth and home to most amazing creatures such as Anaconda, electric eel, black caiman,dart frog and jaguar The Amazon river basin and rainforest of Amazonia is also home to world's biggest snake,The green anaconda,Guyana blind snake,Toadheaded Pitviper, green racer and yararanata pit viper 3